We are business consultants, strategists and visionaries as well as salesmen.
you need to consolidate your new computer equipment
you need spare parts / upgrades for older systems?
you need supplies & consumables?
you offer systems integration and need the build items
for your
you need a reliable repair facility to handle your
Then look no further!
IEEI is a united states agent for all of your computer needs™
our services you will,
fall behind schedule due to late shipments.
your items with correct part number, model and
experience delays because of incorrect or inefficient
Not incur unnecessary and additional customs charges due to
improper documentation.
We are your USA office.
Count on our 32 years of experience..... You can
Rely on IEEI
Service, Service, Service! This can best describe what we have done for over 32 years.
We support 3rd party computer maintenance firms in the USA and world wide with all the computer spare parts they need to keep mainframe, mini and PC based systems up and running. Spare parts include DASD, drives, HDA, planar, CPU, memory, controllers, NAS, SAN, Fibre Channel and any thing else used in system maintenance, including supplies.
We support systems integrators with complete systems and peripheral devices needed to migrate customers from older legacy equipment. Tape libraries, VXA, LTO, DLT, SAIT, Optical libraries like UDO, Sony Blu-Ray, and the ever popular spinning disk RAID NAS and SAN units.
We work with the LATEST in technology offered by manufacturers who manufacturer ground breaking products that save you TIME and MONEY. Located in Orange County, California (SO CAL), we are in a unique position to offer leading edge products to our customers. Let us give you the edge you need to be competitive. The world is flat and getting flatter everyday.
Collaborative editing & post production eco-system. Centralized data management & protection. User access management. Hybrid SSD and HDD support available. Real-time collaborative editing for Avid Xpress, Adrenaline and Nitris; Apple Final Cut Pro; Adobe Premiere; Grass Valley/ Canopus Edius; Sony Vegas and Harris Velocity. Supports DVC Pro HD 100/50, ProRes422, DV25/50, DNxHD, QuickTime, AVI, mpeg2 and mpeg4, up to 25 streams (or equivalent) of DVC ProHD 100 or 50+ DV25 for a single unit. Supports heterogeneous platforms including Windows, Mac OS and Linux/Unix, simultaneously. Clustering support option for 100+TB collaborative environment with 100 DVC ProHD streams for media and project sharing. Instant local original format search and playback. Redundant power supplies, hot swappable fans and hard drives. Protected and resilient OS systems. All front-loaded hard drives (including OS), no opening box for drive change. Integrated management software for disks, users, and storage management. Automatic email for disk status. Local or remote web browser based management. Browser based user GUI for system and resource management access. IP based access from anywhere in the world to the system. Hot Swappable RAID storage to assure continuous operations. Compatible with other Apace Systems workflow software such as media asset management, data migration, Data back up and archive tools, etc.
Advanced built in airflow management assuring system longevity at room temperature without need for specialized infrastructure cooling.
Advanced interactive database-centric media asset management for all media types with built in transcode services and remote access. Browser-based for multiple branch office access via Internet. Support for collaborative post production eco-system. Centralized media management & protection locally and globally.
User and media access control.
Ask for a free quote today: Click on the hot links below for more information