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Apace avid
Backup 6TB
Unity in 8 Hours!
Instant restore!

Apace Systems

Avid Unity Media Offload Solution KIT

Backup / restore / shared storage / expanded access from any desktop / 18TB protected RAID-6 storage for Avid Unity Media MXF and OMF file backup support

Problem Statement:

- Avid Unity and its storage expansion is very expensive

- Limited client stations access to the content Via FC

- Time consuming archive and recovery process

Apace Systems Solution:

- Maintaining Unity workflow & performance

- Network access to any node on Ethernet without client software

- Fast archive and recovery process

- RAID-6 protection

- Alternative or augmenting tape back-up strategy

Apace 1U server Gateway

Apace 1U Windows Server: Includes: Dual AMD Opteron CPU, Microsoft Windows XP, 2GB of ECC Registered RAM, Dual Drive for OS redundancy, 2G FC HBA, 2 x GigE, Backup Software

Xserve Gateway

  • Xserve G5 Dual 2.3GHz
  • Part Number: Z0BH
  • Fibre Channel PCI-X card - (lower slot)
    2GB DDR400 ECC SDRAM - 2x1GB
    Mac OS X Server, Unlimited License
    80GB ADM (1x80GB 7,200rpm ADM)
    Accessory kit
    Dual 2.3GHz PowerPC G5
    Combo Drive (DVD-ROM/CD-RW)

Enterprise Class File based NAS:

with hot swappable HDD

Redundant Power Supply

End to end 64 bit LINUX and Multi-CPU architecture

18 TB of s-ATA RAID-6 storage protection

QUAD GE connectivity

300Mbytes.sec throughput

Easy to Manage via GUI based Interface

Apace complete solution:

UOL-18TB-PC or UOL-18TB-MAC Solution KIT for 1G FC or 2G FC Unity Off-load system:

  • E1500-4U18T with RAID-6 support
  • Op-2GE (additional 2GE NIC for total of four ports
  • Op-1GB x 2 (for total of 4GB RAM Cache)
  • Sp-HD750 (Spare HDD+tray)
Server Gateway + Software
  • with backup software and syncing script
  • Avid Unity Client
Grand Total (MSRP) $44,850

Apace Can offer installation service for $800/Day + any travel and per diem (estimated installation and site testing 2 days)

Unity Offload Benefits
  • Economically use of Unity resource
  • Moving non-current projects to nearline eStor and maintaining data availability
  • Content accessible from any computer on Ethernet for review from desktop (QuickTime or Media Player)
  • No change to current workflow, performance & Unity setup
  • Maintaining a video archive for better productivity with zero recovery time
  • Automated data protection of RAID 5, 6 or global standby while Unity can afford to run RAID 0 without redundancy
  • Fast. Archiving and retrieving are DV/HDV, SD, DNxHD and uncompressed HD
Appendix: Calculation time for AVID Backup

Per previous foil if AVID throughput and workflow back up throughput bottleneck is set at 200Mbtyes/sec: Assuming a 6TB Unity storage …

For 6TB = 6,000GB = 6,000,000 MB / 200 MB/sec = 30,000 sec 30,000 sec/ 60 sec = 500 minutes / 60 minutes =

~8.4 Hours back up time for 6TB (Estimated time)

One clean way may be to do 2TB in less than 3 hours each night. And over the weekend do 8 hour dumps. Especially if you go with 18TB eStor you can have weekday and week-end dumps dedicated space as a strategy as well. This means not only RAID-6 protected data but Mirrored Data as the third copy as well, which will be you daily dumps and weekly dumps respectively.

Assumptions: we expect Unity to do up to 200 Mbytes/sec.

We believe 100-200Mbytes/sec backup throughput is a balanced throttling speed for The workflow. We believe that you can edit while running edits for non active projects.

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110 Agate Ave., Newport Beach, CA 92662, Telephone +1 949-673-2943, Fax +1 949-673-0249
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