IEEI is happy to meet with you on line. These meetings are informative and helps us to further understand your needs.
Note from: Dennis Bress, President and CEO of IEEI
I'm happy to offer these meetings FREE of charge to you. But under NO circumstances do I want you to feel at any time that I'm using this as a way to get your business. I don't want to make any assumptions here. I simply want to help you - NO STRINGS ATTACHED - and if you need my help afterwards, you can reach out to me at your convenience.?
Please see below the link and details on how to have an informative on line meeting with IEEI Today.
Please join the IEEI.COM meeting by clicking on the below link:
Meeting ID: 761-336-963
Conference Call: Dial 516-453-0020, access code 761-336-963
Note: If for some reason the link does not work, or someone is not able to take your meeting at IEEI, please send me a personal email with the time and date you would like to reschedule a meeting. My personal email is:
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Details to join the IEEI ZOOM Meeting

1. On a Windows PC or MAC Please join the meeting by clicking on the below link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 382 771 4157
Password: 1yj0Ke
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Meeting ID: 382 771 4157
Passcode: 1yj0Ke
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Meeting ID: 382 771 4157
Passcode: 881323
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