ieei.tv September 2011 Newsletter
Summer 2011
From ieei.tv's success and fun at ESPN X Games 17 in Los Angeles, to an install in beautiful Idaho this summer, it seems the hard work always pays off.

This summer there was even a little time for fun outside of work......

There was sailing in the Flight of the Lasers race in Newport Harbor, watching countless exciting water polo games, socializing with friends and neighbors including "The Duke," and viewing the end of summer massive waves arrive all the way from New Zealand. It has been fun, fun, fun!
You Can Rely on ieei

Who Is ieei.tv?
ieei.com was founded in 1976 to supply computer products to a worldwide market. In 2002 ieei.com added the Broadcast Division, ieei.tv which consults with and supplies "rich media" for broadcasters, post production companies, city run TV stations, PEG and educational and religious clients with the latest reliable, tested and cost effective solutions to enable media to be stored, searched, edited, backed up, played out, transported and transcoded. We have you covered.
Let us do a consulting webinar with you. We want to know the problems you are facing and the challenges that come your way. We will share with you how we have helped over 350 of our customers solve similar dilemas. "Our Stuff Works."

Only 14 months away from the USA Presidential Election Nov 6, 2012. Get a vStor or eStor from ieei.tv and have a simple and reliable way to store / edit all your extra election media.
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Partial List of Installations:
City of Santa Monica, City of Calabasas, City of Costa Mesa, e.g.Thomson Technicolor, Univision/ KMEX, Trinity Broadcast Networks, Time Warner, NASA JPL, BBC (UK), National Geographic , San Francisco KRON (ch 4), Australia Channel 7, Global TV (Canada), SceneIt , Gartner Group, Washington State Univ., University of California, NBC Universal, BYU - Brigham Young University, Apex Stock Footage, Threshold Animation, PBS,The Outdoor Channel and more.....
See Dr. Lee Hu and Jeanclaude Toma in Amsterdam

Apace at IBC 2011 Sept 9 - 13 in The Netherlands
Booth 7.K27

Dennis Bress President / CEO, ieei.tv