Many organizations dealing with growing volumes of video media are building silos of RAID storage using inexpensive IT RAID. This may look like a good decision because of the low cost of the RAID drives. However, the actual cost must include the structure needed to manage the content. An effective configuration requires a way to keep track of the RAID contents plus a backup and restore strategy. What will happen if the Raid array fails? How big is that array? Terabytes would equate to thousands of hours of video assets at risk. How can assets be quickly located, viewed and retrieved? These are critical issues in a video production operation. As the only Gold Channel Partner for Apace Systems, IEEI TV is pleased to offer a solution, the Apace Video Media Gateway model 949.
A SAN Raid box to be a truly shared device needs SAN management software which is only one layer of cost. You also need a dedicated server to see the SAN and run an asset management. Plus you need an HBA Fibre channel card for each client node and the Fibre channel switch. All of these plus setup and integration is comparable to what a SINGLE Apace Video Media Gateway server provides at the workgroup level. Users should not focus only on the IT Raid array lower price, but consider an integrated solution like the IEEI TV 949 Video Gateway….. Integrated Raid storage , simple NAS based connections (GigE and 10Gige) QS – Quality of Service in vStor for shared real time editing no frame drop or jitter or eStor for On line Archive AND Asset Management. Plus NO License tax for users. All included in a single turnkey solution. Easy, powerful and simple to use, share and manage.
The IEEI TV 949 Video Gateway server resides on the Ethernet video network common to all media storage devices. The Apace software tools can also manage content on your other storage devices on the network and creates proxy files with metadata for rapid file location and viewing. The IT RAID, NAS and SAN drives are viewed by postMAM which has an internal encoder. The encoder will scan and transcode media files with any associated metadata into postMAM postMAM will auto generate flash proxies from dv25/50/100 and Avid mxf media. (ProRes requires 3rd party transcode tools like Telestream from IEEI.TV). These files can be viewed on any IP device with a browser.
In addition, Apace Octopa software provides a backup and restore method to protect valuable assets in case of component failure of any devices on the network. Losing critical video assets will have a dramatic impact on your operation.
Think of the IEEI TV Video Media 949 Gateway as the GLUE that links critical digital media storage locations to your IP network (GigE or 10GigE). The benefit is your users have a powerful alternative to O/S tools like Finder and Explorer. These only search for files and are inherently slow when searching for files on Terabytes of storage. Using the metadata in postMAM, the IEEI TV Video Media 949 Gateway locates the desired video clip in seconds from any of your storage devices!
Details: The IEEI TV Video Media 949 Gateway workflow tools can offer three key components to your workflow:
a) Quality of service to access media online and over the network for real‐time collaborative and shared access with no SAN management software or Complex Fiber Channel fabric (HBA, switches) and cabling needed. You can leverage from your existing IP/GE/ 10GigE infrastructure to service your video workgroups real time editing with an Apace vStor.
b) If you have invested in direct attached or any other Storage Array Silo, you can sync and back it up using the facility wide storage consolidation tool, Apace Octopa, and use the Apace storage as your consolidated online or near‐line storage pool. (Apace eStor)
c) The IEEI TV Video Media 949 Gateway offers a digital library of all your content in one place. All content is accessible from any IP device including mobile devices such as iPad, iPhone, Android (with mobile option to postMAM) from anywhere in the world!
The result is peace of mind knowing you are protecting, consolidating, managing and consuming your most valuable asset, your media data.
The IEEI TV Video Media 949 Gateway is a browser based (MAC or PC) enterprise wide solution. Your Editors, News, Sports, Promos, etc. can quickly "Locate" and "View" thousands of clips in seconds! Contact IEEI.TV for more information on the Apace Video Media Gateway.
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