Here is a video that shows all of this:
Apace booth SL 11515 : Workflow Storage Solutions
- Want to increase your efficiency?
- Want to save money and have more scalable reliable storage?
- Want to use equipment that was designed to be interoperable with all your workgroups, MAC or PC based?
Let us help you.
"I promise your Apace booth visit will be one of the most impressive @ NAB."
- Dennis Bress, President/CEO
Stop by and see the latest from Apace System and GOLD Channel partner

vStor and eStor :: These NAS based video digital storage servers are the "Glue" that allows you to "Tell better stories"
PM3 / postMAM3 : Now with the newly released updated PM3 / postMAM3, you have the powerful MAM - Media Asset Management with automated workflows including ingest / transcode and auto / batch metadata import. Powerful and useful stuff. You will see a lot of MAM's this year @ NAB, but NONE like PM3. Check it out you will be impressed by the power, flexibility and most of all the ease of use...... it is simple to use.
CFM - Cluster File Manager is updated. A powerful Apace tool that enables you to manage interbox Apace to Apace media and files, including workspace search and file copy / Validator.
Octopa - A popular s/w tool by Apace that enables you to create scheduled backup sets along with the powerful and most important "Restore". We call it workflow resilience.
Apace camera ingester : A Clip Aware software allows you to bring in all your raw footage, to copy and catalog your media in your vStor or eStor. So now you have both workspace and media cataloging on your shared storage for all your XDCAM, P2 or AF101, Ikegami, etc file based cameras.
OurTube : If you need your own dedicated private media cloud IP network deploy Apace OurTube as your own private YouTube! This is a unique set of tools that not only gives you a storage platform that everyone in workgroup can add media too, it allows your audience to upload their own content via their own mobile devices with comments. This is a very powerful end to end solution that enables you to be your own IP broadcaster!
949 ieei Video Media Gateway Solution : We have put all of these tools together into a easy to see 6 step process that you can order a la carte. Why reinvent the wheel, these set of tools work, are very powerful, scalable, reliable and simple to use. Pretty cool, as you can see we have many ways to help. See below for some workflow examples …
Pretty cool, as you can see we have many ways to help.
See below for some workflow examples ….

NAB 2012 details for Dennis Bress and ::
*Apace SL11515 : NAS vStor, eStor, Workflow tools, postMAM pm3, Octopa, CFM
*Dennis is in the Apace booth
Xendata SL 12513 : LTO5 Tape Path
Telestream SL3309 : Ingest Pipeline, Transcode FlipFactory, Vantage, Episode
Aspera SL10315 : File delivery
ProAvio SL 8720 : Direct attached storage, DAS 2K/4K
Monday April 16th
Global Matchmaking Reception
For International Customers
at the Las Vegas Convention Center, Room S219
from 6pm to 8pm.
For NAB week: April 16 - 19th
Dennis Bress will be at the Apace Systems booth SL 11515 South Hall / Lower
Cell phone for Dennis Bress: 714-878-1276 USA
Book a meeting with Dennis Bress by email or by phone.
See you in Vegas !!!
See you in Vegas !!!