March News From IEEI
Simple Digital Storage Solutions Via ETHERNET
Meet With Dennis Bress from IEEI Broadcast at the Apace Systems Booth #SU219 at N.A.B. 2006!
Yes, its that time of year again... N.A.B. 2006 is coming soon to the Las Vegas Convention Center - Exhibits from April 24th through April 27th. We invite you to visit IEEI Broadcast at the Apace Systems Booth #SU219. We will showcase Network Storage "SOLUTION" tools for video editing, online fast access shared storage and or RAID archive. High speed video centric NAS for the price of tape storage! We will show single GigE and the new big PIPE for HD...... 10GigE end to end NAS. Our story and technology is compelling and you can tell your CFO, let loose of the purse strings, Apace NAS has fantastic ROI.
In addition to his attendance in the Apace Systems Booth #SU219, Dennis Bress from IEEI Broadcast will be available on Sunday April 23rd at the Global Matchmaking Reception For International Customers at the Las Vegas Hilton & Casino, Ballroom C, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Go to: http:// www.azexport.com/nab/ for more information on this event. If you are an international visitor, contact Dennis now for a meeting at this event. Email: dennis@ieei.com Cell phone for Dennis Bress: 714-878-1276 USA Book a meeting with Dennis Bress by email dennis@ieei.com or by phone. See you in Vegas !!!!!
IEEI Offers Stonefly - San Antonio Spurs Go With Stonefly!
NBA Champions Leverage Integrated D2D Backup and Recovery Solution to Manage and Protect Critial Ticketing, Event Planning and Payroll Data
Using Ethernet, let's address the IT side of the house. StoneFly, Inc., a leading supplier of integrated IP storage area network (SAN) systems and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dynamic Network Factory, Inc. (DNF), announced that the San Antonio Spurs organization has deployed StoneFly Backup Advantage(tm) (SBA) to manage and protect its critical ticketing, event planning and payroll data. The SBA installation, a completely integrated, IP SAN-based disk-to-disk (D2D) backup solution, has enabled the Spurs to cost - effectively
upgrade its overall storage environment with enterprise-class SAN capabilities while dramatically improving backup and recovery operations. Restore times also have been reduced dramatically, with SBA now taking only minutes to retrieve vital data from disk-based backups. When a payroll server crashed one weekend just prior to payday, Caflisch was relieved to find that SBA enabled his staff to recover the data quickly and easily, allowing payroll to proceed on time, as if nothing happened. "That accomplishment alone was worth our investment in the SBA system," he said. "It could have never been done with our previous DLT solution. |
As the National Basketball Association's championship team for the 2004-2005 season, the San Antonio Spurs franchise depends upon advanced technology,including SQL, Microsoft Exchange and applications such as ADP payroll and Bortz sports inventory management, to maintain vital fan, player and ticketing data. As a result, regular data backups are critical to the franchise's administrative success. For years, the organization relied upon a digital linear tape (DLT) solution, but when the backup process began taking an entire weekend, the IT team recognized the need to transition to a more efficient data storage system.
According to Tod Caflisch, director of IT for the San Antonio Spurs, they evaluated both Fibre Channel SAN and IP SAN-based alternatives, but ultimately found that StoneFly's IP SAN technology offered the best fit for the franchise in terms of cost and features. "Nobody else came close to measuring up to StoneFly's technology and the overall value of the SBA solution," said Caflisch. "With SBA, we can now conduct full backups of all data, including operating system and server configurations, in just hours -- an impressive improvement over our previous scenario."
Restore times also have been reduced dramatically, with SBA now taking only minutes to retrieve vital data from disk-based backups. When a payroll server crashed one weekend just prior to payday, Caflisch was relieved to find that SBA enabled his staff to recover the data quickly and easily, allowing payroll to proceed on time, as if nothing happened. "That accomplishment alone was worth our investment in the SBA system," he said. "It could have never been done with our previous DLT solution.
With SBA, the Spurs have achieved a comprehensive approach to their backup and restore needs. Incremental backups are now performed three times a day, followed by a full daily backup, which is then transferred to the DLT and stored off site on tape for an extra measure of protection. According to Caflisch, an added benefit of the StoneFly system is its use of Dell technology as the hardware platform for the IP SAN. "We are a Dell shop here, and it added to our comfort level in selecting StoneFly that our storage solution also resides on the Dell platform," he said. Caflisch has also been pleased with the level of service and support received from StoneFly. "Although we are the NBA champions, we maintain a lean IT staff, which means we depend heavily upon vendor expertise," he added. "StoneFly has proven to be head and shoulders above the rest. They really came through for us during the sales and after-sale support process."
Expanding And Excelling In Digital Storage!
Solutions For The Rich Media World
We support the rich media world with our digital storage solutions. Our customers are Broadcasters, News Production, Animation, Editing suites / studios, Post Production, Special Effects houses and HD film scanning companies world wide. IEEI Broadcast is in its 5th year as a digital storage supplier to this industry. If any industry has changed more in 5 years, it is Rich Media. With the transition from analog tape based systems to the new DIGITAL file based IT world, companies world wide are working with IEEI to get the latest in tested, reliable storage SOLUTIONS. These companies find that working
with our IEEI Broadcast division is a nice change from dealing with larger, numbers oriented companies. As SERVICE is a main goal, we know you need to ask a lot of questions before you make a purchase decision. We offer experience and expertise to each and every customer. We VALUE you! |
We work with the latest in technology offered by manufacturers of ground breaking products that save you TIME and MONEY. Let us give you the edge you need to be competitive. The world is flat and getting flatter everyday. We have a variety of storage systems that work with: Avid, Apple FCP, Pinnacle, Adobe, Canopus, Harris, Sundance Digital, Crispin, Grass Valley Thompson, Infinity, Leitch, Sea Change, EVS and Sony to name a few. IEEI is located in the Media capitol of the world, close to Hollywood, Burbank, Chatsworth, and the City of Los Angels. Our location in Orange County and the growth Orange County has experienced in the media space, gives us the ability to work with industry giants, mid size enterprises and smaller shops. Why spend hours looking for that storage solution you need when you know IEEI can help. We want to know your business and what you want to accomplish.