IEEI Newsletter - "The Searcher"
Let IEEI Do The Searching
You could Yahoo. You could Google. You could Alta Vista. But each one leaves you with countless disconnected bits and pieces of information, or links to vendors that may not be vendors at all.
Instead... IEEI.COM Let us know what you want and either we already have it, or we know exactly where to get it. We've been in the computer business for almost 30 years and have an amazing connection to industry insiders and the latest equipment offerings.Whether you are a System Integrator, a Maintenance Organization or a Broadcast Production Studio, we can help! Give us an opportunity to meet your hardware needs.
We Support Systems Integrators
From Legacy to New...
We support systems integrators with complete systems and peripheral devices needed to migrate customers from older legacy equipment to newer, low cost, robust, expandable replacement technologies. We offer tape libraries, VXA, LTO, DLT, SAIT, Optical libraries like UDO, Sony Blu-Ray, and the ever popular spinning disk RAID NAS and SAN units.
If you are a Systems Integrator, you know the importance of being able to have the correct equipment for each installation. The computer industry changes and new products are always being released. IEEI is located in Southern California, a hub of major computer manufacturers and designers. We have access to the latest the industry has to offer for Server, Disk, Tape, memory, expansion, and supplies. Let IEEI help you give your customers the options they need. Remember we know the computer industry. We've been "Servicing the Computer Industry Since 1976!" |
Direct To Computer Maintenance Firms
Spare Parts Both Old and New
We support 3rd party computer maintenance firms in the USA and world wide with all the computer spare parts they need to keep mainframe, mini and PC based systems up and running. Spare parts include DASD, drives, HDA, planar, CPU, memory, controllers, NAS, SAN, Fibre Channel and anything else used in system maintenance, including supplies.
Are you tired of scouring the internet for computer spare parts? Is this really how you want to buy thousands of dollars of critical parts? If you are in the computer maintenance business with 5, 10 or 100 engineers, you need spare parts to keep the systems running on your contracts. Rely on IEEI.COM. You can count on IEEI, your USA supplier, to get back to you on your request(s) for quotes, process the orders and confirm back the orders via Proforma invoices. With IEEI you
can have the orders consolidated into one single shipment. We can ship weekly or monthly. Our order processing includes a copy of shipment invoice and AWB with every shipment so you can track the shipment to your location. Whether you are in North America, South America, Far East, Middle East, Africa, Europe or Asia, our paper work will allow for timely receipt without delay. All of these steps we provide efficiently and on a consistent basis. Remember we have been doing this for 29 years!!!
Expanding And Excelling In Digital Storage!
Solutions For The Rich Media World
We support the rich media world with our digital storage solutions. Our customers are Broadcasters, News Production, Animation, Editing suites / studios, Post Production, Special Effects houses and HD film scanning companies world wide. IEEI Broadcast is in its 5th year as a digital storage supplier to this industry. If any industry has changed more in 5 years, it is Rich Media. With the transition from analog tape based systems to the new DIGITAL
file based IT world, companies world wide are working with IEEI to get the latest in tested, reliable storage SOLUTIONS. These companies find that working with our IEEI Broadcast division is a nice change from dealing with larger, numbers oriented companies. As SERVICE is a main goal, we know you need to ask a lot of questions before you make a purchase decision. We offer experience and expertise to each and every customer. We VALUE you! |
We work with the latest in technology offered by manufacturers of ground breaking products that save you TIME and MONEY. Let us give you the edge you need to be competitive. The world is flat and getting flatter everyday. We have a variety of storage systems that work with: Avid, Apple FCP, Pinnacle, Adobe, Canopus, Harris, Sundance Digital, Crispin, Grass Valley Thompson, Infinity, Leitch, Sea Change, EVS and Sony to name a few. IEEI is located in the Media capitol of the world, close to Hollywood, Burbank, Chatsworth, and the City of Los Angels. Our location in Orange County and the growth Orange County has experienced in the media space, gives us the ability to work with industry giants, mid size enterprises and smaller shops. Why spend hours looking for that storage solution you need when you know IEEI can help. We want to know your business and what you want to accomplish.