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IEEI Broadcast is proud to announce the below archive solutions package for folks who want to be able to incorporate Optical technology into their archive / backup workflow. Keeping in mind our Linux based high speed open systems NAS, IEEI now had the ability with StorageQuest MSM 150 and Disc Jukeboxes to offer the same for Optical. Exciting stuff!!!
StorageQuest & DISC-GmbH Announce Blu-Ray Archival Solutions
Companies Develop Future-Proof Optical Storage Archive Products
Ottawa, Canada – November 21, 2005 StorageQuest Inc. today announced its partnership with DISC-GmbH of Bingen, Germany to develop products which will provide users a seamless transition into Blu-ray optical storage technology from products currently being sold or which have already been installed.
"We are excited with the prospects of our partnership with DISC and what it means to users implementing archival storage solutions. Essentially what our companies have accomplished is a Future Proof solution for compliant archival storage, enabling customers to purchase compliant optical storage solutions with the upfront guarantee today that their investments can be seamlessly upgraded when Blu-ray storage products become available, which is estimated as early as Q2 of 2006" said Fred Bedard, StorageQuest's Vice President of Sales and Marketing.
"Our combined solution will provide a standard network connection with global management of DISC's PDD optical libraries through our MSM 150 appliance. The MSM 150 will enable customers to deploy DISC libraries today and seamlessly transition to Blu-ray technology as the MSM 150 will manage both the PDD media and the Blu-Ray media in the same library. We are also including a built-in migration application to move data from PDD media to Blu-ray media automatically, enabling users to take immediate advantage of the higher capacity Blu-ray media
which will range from 50GB when released and increasing to 200Gb in 2008. Customers will need only to download a small software update for the MSM 150 when transitioning to Blu-ray and within minutes they'll be Blu-ray enabled! There is no additional cost to customers for this support; this is what we mean by a Future Proof solution."
"The combination of the MSM 150 with DISC's PDD libraries and roadmap to Blue-ray technology is the much needed step forward to a highly competitive archive solution with the focus on highest reliability, ease of use and best connectivity options to any operating system or application. The blue laser archive technology offers great opportunities for higher storage densities and lower price points. DISC is committed to be the first to market and to make these much anticipated advantages available to the industry." said Horst Schellong, Managing Director
of the DISC US office. "StorageQuest and DISC have teamed up to bridge seamlessly from the existing DVD and PDD archive technologies to the Blu-ray technology, offering unrivaled compatibility to CD/DVD technology while at the same time offering a roadmap towards 200GB per disc. This truly is a unique feature of the StorageQuest MSM and DISC libraries, to bridge all mainstream archive technologies from 10 years back to the distant future. The combination of the StorageQuest MSM and the DISC Blu-ray library will, for the first time, bring true write-once archive technology solutions to the 2-3US$/GB level. This is an exciting move to make this archive technology available to a wide market covering the capacity range from 1TB to 35TB."
About the MSM 150
The MSM 150 family combines the latest hardware, networking and software technologies in an easy to use appliance package targeted to do one thing: "make compliant archival storage solutions network attached and open using proven industry standards".
About DISC Optical Solutions
DISC is the German manufacturer of optical libraries also known under the previous company name 'NSM', focusing on standardized archive technologies based on the 120mm form factor. The DVD and PDD library families are recognized for their industry 'bests' for reliability, performance and cost of ownership. The new Blu-ray technology adds a new dimension for performance and archive capacity with a maximum of 35TB per library.